Denise van Leeuwen, Kiss_Holland

Saturday, 30 April 2011

rhymes with spears...

a couple of years ago, whilst studying in photography at university, i went to visit the photographers gallery. i went just to have a look around, and straight away i was drawn too vee speers collection entitled the birthday party. the collection was based around her daughters dressing up box, designed to evoke memories of her own childhood.

the images of the children are very disturbing and eerie, leaving you with an uncomfortable feeling which in turn could lead to a certain conclusion or even hold an option against them.

even though these images, or in fact the purpose behind speers collection is not directly linked to my own work, it gives me a good ground of understanding behind why people produce certain work and how it ends up. the fashion/clothing used gives a different twist, an element i find endearing. 
its interesting to see a different point of view behind a child's decision on dressing up, and as an adult see's it.


image taken from google

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