Denise van Leeuwen, Kiss_Holland

Friday, 3 June 2011

the last goodbye

today i am printing my blog, you know what the means, this blog has to end, booooo, for now anyway. i have learned from doing this blog and i actually quite enjoy it. i was a bit hesitant at first as i have never done one before and really never had the urge, but im glad i have done this, it has enabled me, for one of a better phrase, show off my work to a large number of internet viewers. 

i posted my blog around my personal Facebook account and internal college email so i was hoping for a fair few people to follow me, sadly that has not happened, becki is unpopular with the blog crowd however, here are some stats from my blog:

1. i have 5 followers, one of whom is myself and i have no idea how that happened.
2. overall i have had 877 views on my blog
3. people from US, UK, India, China, Germany, Spain, France, Guernsey, Mexico, Canada, New Zealand, to name of few have viewed my blog
4.the iD please page has had the most views with 34.
5. traffic sourcing are mainly from Facebook and google
6. and finally i have had one 1 sad lonely comment :(

so where am I now which the project......
well today I have explained the reasoning behind the unit plan, and I am about the write about my WSSI from yesterday and ex summary. print and bind on monday, then its all over.

as i want to get cracking on my research file, i need this to be printed as home printer is broken and i have spend about a billion on printing at college im off to the local library.

oh and lectures, if you can be bribed into giving me a distinction, i am more than willing to supply you with as many percy pigs as possible. 

so for now, goodbye blog world, it has been a pleasure working with you, it wont be long till i come back again,  promise, but work is now done. and here is some reminders of my work so far




the comp shop

Thursday, 2 June 2011

i think its nearly time for a drink.

today i was determined to do a wssi and delivery schedule, and i think, after spending all day on them, i have done it!
i need to get the checked out on monday, which i hope could of been looked at tomorrow, just so i can get that printed as i know, next week will be manic when it comes down to printing, but oh well.


all that is left now is to write: ex summary, conclusion, write about wssi and write about unit plan. which i will do tomorrow.
then research file, which i have done just need to stick it in, that will be started on during the weekend.


over the weekend, i will leave the last post on this blog


Wednesday, 1 June 2011

so close!!!!!

yesterday and today i spent all day printing all my FMP of what i had done so far which was:

1. all of the buying and range building
2. sourcing
3. web design and plan
4. garment tech
5. comp shop

when it comes down to merch, i have done 5 of the 7 spreadsheets ( sales plan, option plan and sheet, line detail, critical path and unit plan) but i aim to at least try the delivery schedule and WSSI.

so the plan of action is -

tomorrow (thursday):        
 Finish printing
Write the exclusive summary
Write about the unit plan, looking into ROS, Planned line life and Quantities

DO MERCH!!!!! and then write about it, e.g. profits, markdowns, shrinkage
conclusion and bib

put together my research file ( completed half of the file, and have printed the                                        other half, just need to put it together)

have merch checked and to make sure i have done everything possible.
put the project together, bound one copy and put one in a sketchbook.

DONE! hopefully